Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Capture/Reflection 5 - 10/6/2010

What makes me the way I am? Why am I so analytical and amiable? Why do people tend to see me as analytical and expressive? These are a few thought I've had this week, especially after we discussed such in class. Am I analytical because I doubt myself, because I want to know more, or because I think I know more? I believe sometimes it might be a bit of all three and more. What does it mean to be analytical? To be analytical means that one tends to be more independent, task-oriented, rely on past experience, want the job to be successful the first time and are very thorough in their work, systematic and cautious in making decisions (more so for myself I think this is where I doubt my initial efforts...), may seemed emotionless (yet I think this conception might be more so because of natural reservations), outwardly reserved in expressions and emotions. Much of this description provided through the persogenics writeup hit me on the spot.

Though people tend to see me as expressive also, I tend to be seen more by myself and in the workplace as amiable. To be honest amiable wasn't in my vocabulary at all. TO be amiable is one who is naturally low in assertion yet high in response..., not forceful in communication, yet outwardly show concern for others (for myself I may not communicate all my opinions or thoughts out loud all the time, yet I do demand simple and explicit communication in important matters; particularly with family and close friends), they are peacemakers, diplomatic, cooperative, patient (definately not my greatest amiable characteristic), slower paced (my thoughts would be more lay back), soft spoken (this would depend highly on the activity for me, yet most of the time I do tend to be reserved and soft spoken), less likely to take risks. Much of the description about amiable people I feel describes my character at times as well. I never really thought a simple quiz-like form could nail personal attributes and traits as much as this one did. It was neat getting a theoretical idea of who I think I am, how others see me, and also my behavior at work. There is much more to learn as I continue to think about persogenics and apply such ideas into my life. Hopefully with discipline I can take the positive attributes of the spoken and eliminate the negative so as to become a better person and teacher.

I have yet to start the personal evaluations on my teaching videos, yet look forward to seeing negative tendencies as well as the positives I can build on. A capture and reflection for next week perhaps.

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